The Complete Guide to 3D Technology for Sheet Metal Stamping

Sheet Metal Workflow Cover

Sheet metal stamping has many applications that demand extreme precision, and the tiniest error can set off a chain reaction of costly delays or even safety issues. 3D scanning technology offers greater precision, speed, and ease of use than traditional fixed CMM systems, enhancing yield, increasing customer loyalty and generating more revenue.

Download this guide to learn:

  • How 3D portable measurement solutions simplify the entire metal stamping workflow to accelerate production, inspection and quality control while achieving greater precision and accuracy.
  • The various ways the Quantum Max FaroArm and ScanArm can benefit your business and simplify your workflow.
  • How the Quantum Max increases both efficiency and precision across every step of QA and inspection processes.

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Sheet Metal Stamping Workflow

How 3D Technology Improves Sheet Metal Stamping Workflows

Discover how FARO® 3D measurement solutions make it easy to perform faster, more accurate inspections of parts and dies throughout every step of the process.

See the comparison


  • With Traditional Methods:
     Train staff to use CMM 

    Train staff how to use CMMs

    CMMs aren’t the most self-explanatory tools to use, so production can easily be held up if you have to wait for trained staff to be available.

    Perform Quality Inspection

    Sink hours into identifying problems with the part

    Performing a routine quality inspection, with a CMM or other traditional methods, to identify a potential issue with the part can take several hours, during which the machine has been working nonstop and creating more products with the same issue.

    Robotic arms

    Shut down the machine until the problem can be addressed

    Once you identify where the problem is, the entire manufacturing equipment has to be shut down.

     Move the die to the CMM for inspection

    Move the die to the CMM for inspection

    Many dies weigh as much as a small car and require cranes and forklifts to be moved.

    Inspect and manually maneuver the die

    Inspect and manually maneuver the die

    Generate or find a program to check the critical dimensions of the die. Sometimes the die also has to be manually shifted or flipped, then realigned.

  • With FARO 3D Measurement Solutions:
     Save time with ScanArm 

    Save time from the get-go

    The Quantum Max FaroArm and ScanArm are intuitive and easy to use, so you don’t need to hire expert staff to operate them or invest a lot of money and time into specialized training.

    Reduce Inspection time

    Reduce inspection time by over 50%

    With FARO 3D Measurement Solutions, you can inspect a part in minutes identifying the problem faster and significantly reducing scrap.

    Inspect Stamping dies

    Minimize downtime and improve profitability

    With Inspect the parts and stamping dies with the Quantum Max in a fraction of the time and more easily than other conventional methods, so you can return to business as usual as fast as possible.

     Move the Quantum Max to the die

    Move the Quantum Max to the die

    With FARO 3D Measurement Solutions are built to be portable. Save time and space by moving the arm directly to the die for inspection.

    Complete the entire Maintenance, Repair and Operations process faster

    Complete the entire Maintenance, Repair and Operations process faster

    The flexible design of the Quantum Max makes it easy to inspect and analyze the die quickly and accurately, so you can keep things moving and prevent product delivery delays.

Using the FARO ScanArm has gotten us out of million-dollar recall by enabling us to prove to the customer that a manufacturing issue started with their engineering print. In addition, FARO solutions make it easier to communicate with our customers — especially overseas customers, like the Japanese automotive manufacturers.
Jason Swain
Quality Engineer, Taylor Metal Products

Les avantages de la mesure portable

Pourquoi les solutions de numérisation laser 3D sont le meilleur atout pour le contrôle qualité.
Étude de cas

Les données de contrôle qualité optimisé garantissent la fluidité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement automobile

Découvrez comment Taylor Metal Products utilise les solutions FARO pour prendre des décisions plus rapides et partager des informations plus fiables.

Après étude du marché, Metal Assemblies a choisi FARO

Située dans les Midlands de l'Ouest, au cœur de l'une des régions industrielles traditionnelles du Royaume-Uni, Metal Assemblies Ltd produit des estampages et des assemblages pour ses clients, principalement du secteur de l'automobile.

Ready to learn more about improving quality and efficiency in your next metal stamping project? Let us know more about you to download the full guide.

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