
How to convince your boss to buy a Laser Scanner

How to convince your boss

"Laser scanners capture an accurate, 360-degree digital model of a crash or crime scene. To help justify the expense, find a way to tie the use to the source of the funds."

This article by Janice White, Director - Law Enforcement Software at FARO® Technologies explores examples of how law enforcement and other public safety - forensic individuals convinced their organization to adopt the advanced 3D technology of laser scanners, as well as key justification points as to why and how they can help improve your data collection and analysis of crash and crime scenes.

Análise de segurança pública
Recriação de acidentes
Investigação de cenas de crimes
Segurança nacional
Segurança pública
Incêndio e resgate
Engenharia forense
Scanners 3D

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