Webinar/gravação de apresentação

Applied GD&T: inside the machining world

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Are your GD&T assurance processes as lean, accurate and efficient as they could be?

Join our industry experts as we dive into the benefits of using the FARO ® Measurement Arm in the machining world.

Starting with a few examples of quick key-feature checks, we then dig deeper with geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) callouts like concentricity and true-position, finally putting it all together for a complete first article inspection routine and report – showing you how to efficiently measure challenging features…and then prove it to your boss and/or customer!

Are you challenged with speeding up inspection measurements and reporting?

Sometimes hand tools take too much time to make measurements, other times complex inspection equipment takes way too much time to program. We will show you how you can use the FaroArm and/or ScanArm for quick key feature checks, even while on the machine itself, and what a complete first article inspection looks like with the FaroArm.

This will be a fact-filled and educational hour you don’t want to miss!

Attend this webinar to:

  • Learn how portable Measurement Arms excel in machining applications
  • Explore GD&T callouts like true-position and concentricity, and watch how the Measurement Arm quickly measures them
  • Learn how the Arm can make fast key-feature checks while still on the machine, without breaking setup
  • See how software/hardware combinations can take first article inspection to the next level with maximum speed and certified, professional, automatic inspection reports

Matthew Wirginis | Account Manager

Matthew Wirginis is an Account Manager at FARO who specializes in implementing the portable Measurement Arms in a variety of manufacturing applications. He has spent 13 years helping manufacturers improve their processes, solve problems and reduce costs. Matthew holds a Bachelor of Science, Electrical Engineering (BSEE) degree from the University of Pittsburgh.

Will Pitarello | Application Specialist

Will Pitarello has been with FARO for 6 years and specializes in technical product demonstrations and training. He has more than 15 years of technical and commercial experience working for technology and biotech companies. Will has a Bachelors degree from Florida International University as well as a degree in Industrial Engineering.

Webinar/gravação de apresentação
Inspeção e controle de qualidade
Metalurgia, usinagem e montagem
Braço portátil de medição
Software — Controle de qualidade e metrologia
Inspeção e controle da qualidade (BP)

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