Webinar/gravação de apresentação

Public safety & forensics 3D scanning best practices

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Learn helpful techniques and best practices to make the most of your 3D Laser Scanner at any scene.

Are you correctly using your 3D Laser Scanner?

Significantly reducing the working hours required and improving the accuracy of measurements, 3D Laser Scanners have greatly enhanced the investigator's ability to capture evidence data at crash and crime scenes.

However, what if you aren't getting the most out of every scene?

From planning before heading out to a scene to techniques on site for most efficient use of your Laser Scanner, watch our latest webinar, featuring user experiences and expert direction on best practices to plan and create quality scans.

Watch this webinar to:

  • Techniques/methods for evidence capture, Laser Scanner placement and when/where to scan for optimal results
  • Learn the process to document blood spatter and bullet trajectories for further analysis
  • Hear from experts that have abundant hands-on experience with laser scanning in forensics
  • Get access and know-how on tools available for you and your agency to get started

Brenda Butler | Forensic Solution Specialist, FARO® Public Safety-Forensics

BrendaButlerBrenda Butler came to FARO Technologies in 2018 after over 20 years as a police officer, and 14 years as a crime scene investigator and evidence technician. She holds a Master of Arts Degree in Justice Administration from Tiffin University. Brenda is a former deputy director of advanced training, special agent and associate professor of criminal justice. She has been a certified crime scene analyst since 2013.

Webinar/gravação de apresentação
Análise de segurança pública
Investigação de cenas de crimes
Recriação de acidentes
Segurança pública
Scanners 3D

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