
Trailblazing laser projection technology transforms iconic theatre

Atlanta’s Tony Award-winning Alliance Theatre underwent a $32 million transformation that paired hand-crafted woodworking with cutting-edge design and prefabrication.

Virtual templating — projecting extremely accurate templates on a manufacturing surface —is the gold standard for fabrication precision in aerospace manufacturing, and early adopters in the construction industry are beginning to recognize the value it brings to complex projects.

Watch the video to learn more about adding state-of-the-art laser project solutions to any construction toolkit, as seen through the transformation of a storied cultural icon in Atlanta, Georgia.


Architecture, ingénierie et construction
Modélisation et acquisition du TQC
Mise en page et projection de la conception
Mise en page et projection de la conception
Modélisation et acquisition du TQC
Préfabrication pour la construction
Projecteurs laser
Logiciel : Architecture, ingénierie et construction
Avec le système Tracer,
BuildIT Construction
BuildIT Projector
Construction et bâtiment

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