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How Augmented Reality(AR) is disrupting the manufacturing industry

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Manufacturers have only just begun to uncover the many benefits that Augmented Reality (AR) can offer in an industrial environment.

Watch this FAROLive! presentation from IMTS 2018 for a practical examination of how Augmented Reality and iPad ®-based Mobile Inspection can simplify and streamline production, assembly and inspection –and discover why leading companies are increasingly implementing augmented reality technology to improve their manufacturing processes.

When paired with tablets and integrated with tools that are connected via the “internet of things” (IoT), AR technology promises to forever change the way people and technology interact with the manufacturing space.

PRESENTER: John Earnshaw | Product Manager – Factory Metrology

John has been working in the automated inspection, laser-assisted assembly and metrology field for over 15 years and has focused heavily on understanding and solving the assembly and manufacturing challenges within the aerospace, defense, heavy equipment, automotive and composites industries.
Webinaire/Enregistrement de présentation
Contrôle qualité et inspection
Équipement lourd
Métallerie, usinage et assemblage
Logiciel : Métrologie et contrôle de la qualité
Visual Inspect
Contrôle qualité (BP)
Prise de conscience

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