Webinaire/Enregistrement de présentation

Virtual Worlds Creating a New VFX Digital World Thru 3D Laser Scanning

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This webinar is focused on how media & film professionals use laser scanning for creating digital worlds for the entertainment industry.

Laser scanning has become an ideal solution for both VFX and VR companies looking for more accurate, faster ways of digitizing the real world.

Our new normal in COVID times also restricts much of the work TV and film companies are doing, meaning laser scanning is becoming even a stronger alternative to replicating scenery to import in virtual sets.

FARO® interviewed a VFX professional, heavily involved in the TV and film industry, and also a VR environment specialist to discuss best practices and how they have successfully implemented this technology for virtual deliverables.

Watch this on-demand webinar to:

  • Discover what goes on behind the scenes of TV and film productions.
  • Create these immensely detailed digital environments and special effects.
  • Understand what software platforms are needed to work with point clouds.

Meet the presenters:

Matthew Davies | Account Manager – FARO Technologies

Matthew joined FARO in April 2019 with an extensive background in metrology applications, product management, and global sales and marketing.

Craig Crane | Motion Associates

Craig is an established VFX artist and Lidar specialist. Owner of Motion Associates Ltd in the UK, providers of cutting edge Industry-leading on-set Lidar scanning for VFX. Motion Associates was set up to level the playing field and provide unparalleled lidar scanning, with super fast delivery times.


Webinaire/Enregistrement de présentation
Architecture, ingénierie et construction
Jumeau numérique pour la gestion des ressources et des installations
Conservation du patrimoine
Fournisseurs de services de mesure
Scanners 3D
Conception et planification
Prise de conscience
Logiciel : Architecture, ingénierie et construction

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