Case Study

Using 3D scanning & Laser Tracker tech for large-volume measurements

Using 3D scanning  Laser Tracker tech for largevolume measurements

Aluminum Tech Leader Wagstaff, Inc. Meets Big Challenges Head On with the FARO® Super 6DoF TrackArm

Big parts pose big challenges. The team at Wagstaff is well-acquainted with large-part inspection challenges. Wagstaff, Inc., a Spokane, Washington based manufacturer, provides machinery, technology and service to enable aluminum producers to transform molten aluminum into solid shapes.

When challenged with being able to get accurate measurements of all the surface angles of big parts, Wagstaff turned to the Super 6DoF TrackArm, eliminating line-of-sight difficulties and expanding the measurement range while maintaining superior accuracy.


Case Study
Controllo qualità e ispezione
Attrezzature pesanti
Bracci di misura portatili
Laser Tracker
Super 6DoF TrackArm
Controllo qualità e ispezione (BP)
Produzione, fabbricazione e assemblaggio

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