Registrazione webinar/presentazione

Implementing 3D Laser Scanning for MEP Applications

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Hot water, cold water, steam, sanitation, wastewater, electricity, air, exhaust, oil, natural gas — these are all examples of what an MEP system handles.

On May 11, join FARO®’s Mike Zivanovic and Erik Lambrecht from Skywrite Group for an informative webinar that will help you better understand how FARO 3D reality capture solutions can help plan, design and manage an MEP system.

In this webinar livestream, you’ll learn:

  • How to use the FARO Focus Laser Scanner to capture the physical components of an MEP system.
  • How to use FARO As-BuiltTM Suite Software to compare 3D models to in-field MEP installations as well as to create MEP system drawings.
  • How to use the FARO Focus Laser Scanner and corresponding software for remodeling or revamping projects.

To ensure maximum success and building longevity, MEP systems must be upgraded or installed with care. Working in tight spaces with narrow tolerances leaves little room for error. Increasingly, 3D reality capture is becoming the essential tool builders and engineers employ when they want the job done right.



Mike Zivanovic

Mike Zivanovic - Senior Solutions Architect at FARO Technologies

Before joining FARO, Mike Zivanovic spent 11 years as a Chicago Pipefitter. Mike is passionate about all things Construction technology with a focus in design and reality capture.


Erik Lambrecht

Erik Lambrecht - Vice President of Construction Technology at Skywrite Group

In his role as V.P. of Construction Technology, Erik combines his 20 years of field experience as Master Plumber and Pipefitter in the United Association with his conviction in educating pipe trade professionals in VDC/BIM.

Modellazione e acquisizione as-built
Ingegneria e design di prodotto
Costruzione e edilizia
Design e pianificazione
Progettazione e design
Architettura, ingegneria e edilizia
Software - Architettura, ingegneria ed edilizia
Registrazione webinar/presentazione
Architettura, ingegneria ed edilizia

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