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How to increase throughput with projection-assisted metrology

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For manufacturers across all industries, throughput can mean the difference between meeting quotas and losing customers to the competition.

Watch this FAROLive! presentation from IMTS 2018 to learn how high-precision laser projection technology can be used to augment your metrology workflows.

See real-world examples of how industrial laser projectors are helping today’s leading manufactures intelligently guide assembly and inspection workflows to shorten assembly times, eliminate throughput bottlenecks, reduce part rejection rates, and accelerate employee training.

PRESENTER: Zeeshan Chaudhari | International Channel Manager

Zeeshan has worked with manufacturers around the world to streamline their inspection and quality control processes. He specializes in unleashing the power and utility of FARO ® BuildIT software’s automation capabilities to develop custom solutions for the most challenging applications. Zeeshan holds a Bachelor of Materials Engineering from McGill University.
Registrazione webinar/presentazione
Controllo qualità e ispezione
Produzione, fabbricazione e assemblaggio
Settore automobilistico
Attrezzature pesanti
Metallurgia, lavorazioni meccaniche e assemblaggio
Cantieristica navale
Proiettori laser
Controllo qualità e ispezione (BP)

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